geeks:base mendel build log

18. Februar 2012

Today we build a mendel. And after many questions, we think about writing a small blogpost with pics and tips for building the printer.
This is a small instruction how you could build it.


First a list of all parts you could use to build a mendel classic.

Lets start with a overview. So it will be much easier to talk about all single parts:

We will start with all single-parts.
Because its better to have build them first together. Otherwise you could get in trouble if you build the ground-body and miss to build in some single parts.
Belive me i build a few mendels, and unscrewing is not the biggest fun on such projects ;)

We will start with the x-axis motor-holder:

N°1 – X-Axis motorholder

You need:
4x 624er bearings
4x M4x20 screws
8x M4-Washer (big ones)
12x M4-Washer (standart)
4x M4-nylon nut
Build the 4x bearings with this parts together. Right beside the bearing on each side you have to place 1time a small washer and then a big washer. So the bearings run smooth and the rims are save in position.

To mount the motor and the small brakets to clamp the smooth-rods use 8x M3x20.
You need 4x Washers for the screws of the motor.
For the brakets on the outside you need washers on both sides and 4times M3-nuts (nylon-nut).

N°2 – X-Axis counterpart

For the X-Axis counterpart you need this parts:

For the bearings X-Axis (rim):
2x 624er bearing
2x M4x20
6x M4 Washer (standart)
4x M4 Washer (big ones)
2x M4 Nuts (nylon nut)

For the small brackets you could use:
2x M3x 20 Screws
2x M3 Nuts-normal
4x M3 Washers
2x M4X20 Screws
2x M4 Nuts (nylon nuc)
4x M4 Washer (normal)

For the bearings (z-rod):
8x M4x40 Screw
16x M4 Washer
8x M4 Nylon-Nut

N°6 – Z-Clamp-part(motorside)

Parts you need:

4x M4x20 Screw
4x M4x35 Screw
10x M4x40 Screw
36x M4 Washer
18x M4 Nylon-Nut
1x M8 – Nut
6x 624er Bearing

N°5 – Z-Clamp-part(counterside)

You need:

4x M4x 40 Screw
4x  M4x 35 Screw
16x M4xWasher
8x M4 Nut (nylon)
1x M8 Screw


N°7 – X-Sliding carrier

10x 624er bearing
6x M4x40 Screw
10x M4x20 Screw
16x M4 Nut (nylon)
16x M4 Washer (standart)